Call Us: 876.754.6151, 876.754.9991-2, Email:

Prosper, St. Elizabeth

Residential Lot
MLS ID: 74921
For Sale
USD $70,000
JMD $ 10,773,700 CAD $ 89,171 € 62,391 £ 53,622
1.4 acres of residential land located in the cool, cool Schoolfield, Prosper, St Elizabeth. Schoolfield is located between Santa Cruz and Malvern and is only 25 mins from Santa Cruz. This property boasts a lovely view of the mountains and surrounding areas. With this lovely 1.4 acres is a small house that can be rennovated. The house consists of one bedroom, bathroom and a verandah. Numerous fruit trees are on the property: ackee, breadfruit, mango, guinep, cherry, coconut, pear, pomegranate, star-apple, sweet sop etc. This can be yours today. Call now.
  • · Land Area 61309
License: s-2744
 876.754.6151 , 876.754.9991-2
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